Tooth decay is one of the most prevalent health problems. It is not only painful but will also lead to gum disease and teeth loss if not handled appropriately. If you value that lovely smile, it is important to learn how to avoid this painful dental problem at all costs. You should take this process.. read more →

A perfect smile speaks a thousand words. If you have that arresting smile, you enjoy more confidence, especially in public. You can confidently speak in public without feeling self-conscious about missing or misplaced dentures. Unfortunately not everyone enjoys perfectly shaped teeth. A survey by American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) shows 60% of respondents are.. read more →

The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are located on either side of your jaw and make it possible to open and close your mouth. They aid in chewing, biting and swallowing. When these complex muscles are injured or strained, a painful condition known as temporomandibular joints disorder (TMD) arises. It causes chronic pain, which affects biting and.. read more →

A perfect smile can open many doors in life. As such, a discolored tooth causes untold agony to those affected. Over the last few decades, innovators in dental technology have come up with different ways of getting your smile glowing again with perfect white dentals. If you are in Orland Park and you are suffering.. read more →